4. Monitor Trends with Advanced Analytics


Requesty empowers you to stay ahead of the curve by monitoring conversation trends and identifying emerging keywords and topics. With advanced analytics, you can gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of your conversations.

  • Real-Time Insights: Requesty provides real-time data on topic trends, allowing you to stay updated on the most discussed subjects.

  • Historical Analysis: Dive into historical data to identify trends over time and track the evolution of conversation topics.

  • Keyword Monitoring: Keep an eye on new keywords and phrases that gain prominence in your conversations.

4.2 Utilizing Advanced Analytics

  • Data Visualization: Leverage data visualization tools to create graphs and charts that showcase trends effectively.

  • Keyword Frequency Analysis: Analyze keyword frequency to identify which topics are consistently popular or experiencing sudden spikes in discussion.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand the sentiment associated with specific topics to gauge user satisfaction and identify potential issues.

4.3 Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

  • Spotting Opportunities: Identify trends that present opportunities for product improvement, content creation, or customer engagement strategies.

  • Addressing Challenges: Detect emerging challenges or issues early on, allowing for proactive solutions.

  • Adapting Strategies: Use trend insights to adapt your conversational strategies to meet changing customer needs and preferences.

4.4 Continuous Monitoring

  • Set Alerts: Configure alerts for specific trend thresholds or keyword mentions to stay notified in real time (coming in the next couple of weeks)

  • Regular Analysis: Regularly review trend reports and adjust your conversational interfaces accordingly.

  • Feedback Loop: Use trend insights as a feedback loop to refine and optimize your conversational experiences.

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